March 19, 2020

Alison’s Rainy Day Family Session | Family Photographer in Fayetteville, Arkansas

Today, I’ve got a rainy fall family session for a rainy spring day.

And best of all? IT IS SO CUTE!

Alison and I have been friends since junior high and, when a conference brought her husband Brett down to Fayetteville, Alison and their sweet babes hopped aboard! We had this session booked for ages and, as luck would have it, Fayetteville had a torrential downpour of rain the entire time they were here. And when I said we might have to just go for it and shoot in the rain? They were so in! I love that about them and everything about this shoot was so stinking fun. The kids laughed like crazy, the umbrellas were the perfect props, the colors turned out so happy and, after the shoot, we headed to my house where we had dinner and spent the rest of the night laughing and letting our kids run all over the house. It was awesome.

Get ready to love these photographs! They are so full of joy!

P.S. Want to love these photographs even more? Before looking at these, hop on over to my super old photography blog (it’s so old it’s on blogspot, y’all!) where you can see photographs of Alison and Brett in the rain from way back in 2011. Love these two and their sweet family, too!

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Lissa Chandler is an Arkansas wedding photographer based in Fayetteville, Arkansas, the co-founder and owner of Opal and June, a styled shoot rental shop, and the creator + instructor of The Hue of You, an online (and rad!) four week editing course offered through Click Photo School.