January 30, 2024

How Can Photography Shape You As a Person? | Your Photographer Mom 016 with Guest Tyrie Mehaffey!

How Can Photography Shape You As a Person?

Did you know that photography can shape you as a person? I didn’t when I started photography, either.

As talked about in my episode with Tyrie, there are people who like photography, people who love photography, and people who LOVE photography. And as someone who LOVES photography, I absolutely adored chatting with Tyrie about photography, too! This girl LOVES photography just like I do and catching up with her and hearing about her creative growth was just the total best. Tyrie is adorable and her episode was a total blast!

Grab that coffee and that editing list, too! We’ve got so much to chat about!

Today, We Are Two Photographers Nerding Out Over One Simple Question:

Can Photography Shape You As a Person? Here’s a few things we chat about today!

Tyrie’s Photography Background

Capturing Joy and Emotion While Shooting

Finding Confidence in Vulnerability

Tyrie Mehaffey is a wedding photographer based in Dallas, Texas who creates photographs that will bring you all the joy. Tyrie’s been shooting since she was fourteen (right?!) and her love for photography – and people! shines through all her work!

wedding photography podcast with Lissa Chandler and Tyrie Mehaffey

Here’s a Little More About Tyrie Mehaffey!

Tyrie Mehaffey is a wedding photographer based in Dallas, Texas who loves creating photos that bring out her clients’ personalities. She values images that feel nostalgic, expressive, colorful, joyful, energetic, and scrapbook-worthy.

She has been in the industry since 2013, when she was only an eighth grader, and went full time a year and a half ago after graduating college. Tyrie believes that she has the best job in the entire world because she gets to be creative and work with the best clients on the planet. Her job makes her smile all day, every day!

Tyrie also enjoys colorful flowers, history (what she studied in college!), traveling to places with color and architecture, mentoring and teaching other photographers, and printing out photos. Basically, most of her favorite things have to do with photography!

Find Tyrie Here! Website + Instagram

You’ll find a few of her favorite photographs below! Obsessed with the joy in these!!

wedding photography podcast with Lissa Chandler and Tyrie Mehaffey wedding photography podcast with Lissa Chandler and Tyrie Mehaffey wedding photography podcast with Lissa Chandler and Tyrie Mehaffey

Your Photographer Mom: A Weekly Photography Podcast for Photographers Who Freaking Love Photos

New Episodes Every Tuesday! Want to be on the podcast? Contact me here!

On this podcast, I believe in featuring photographers of ALL skill levels, experience levels, backgrounds, and stories. If you want to be on this podcast, then you are exactly who I am looking for! I cannot wait to get to know you and to share your photography heart with the world! Let’s do this!!

wedding photography podcast with Lissa Chandler and Tyrie Mehaffey

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Etsy Shops: Tee Shirts + Sweatshirts + Puzzles + Flower Prints | Mockup Photos

Based in Fayetteville, Arkansas Lissa Chandler is a portrait and wedding photographer. Lissa is also the owner of Opal and June where she offers mockup photographs, bookish + history merch, and the dreamiest photoshoot dress rentals. Additionally, Lissa is the host of the podcast Your Photographer Mom. As a creative photographer in Northwest Arkansas, Lissa doesn’t niche down on a genre. She niches on a feeling instead! That feeling? The huge, happy feeling of hope and excitement that you feel as a kid opening up a huge box of 120 crayons. Sound like a feeling you remember? Let’s shoot!