July 19, 2018

Charla’s Fun Family Session in Bentonville | Family Photographer in Northwest Arkansas

Family Photographs in Northwest Arkansas

Who doesn’t love a good family session?!

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If you know me, you know several things right off the bat.

One! I really, really love ghost and true crime stories and will talk your ear off about the haunted elevator I rode in New Orleans and tell you my favorite ghost stories and then tell you all about the latest true crime podcast I just listened to (currently binging on True Crime Garage and their series about the BTK Killer was horrifying!). Two! I love creating and I love art. My favorite art form is photography, of course, but I am obsessed with Impressionist paintings and the color produced in watercolor paintings and I’m always brainstorming at least five different projects. I love flowers – building bouquets has totally turned into one of my favorite hobbies! – and my house is painted all kinds of loud colors with loud rugs and fifteen blankets in the living room alone. I freaking love color! Three! I like the lamest jokes. Like, my kids are always coming up with Laffy Taffy-type jokes and Max is constantly reading me jokes from a joke book for elementary school children and, y’all, I always laugh. Always!

And most of all? I am a total mom. For example, tonight Andrew and I grabbed dinner at the food trucks on Dickson without the boys. Andrew seemed a little hesitant to commit to a meal (so many choices!) so, as he ordered his food, I went to another truck and ordered his favorite meal just in case he didn’t like his meal… and when he realized what I’d done, he laughed at me and said “Did you just mom me?” And I HAD! Our kids are out of town and I couldn’t even help myself!! Mom-ing is in my blood!

That said, give me all the happy families! I love photographing happy families and I absolutely love, in every way, that Charla chose to have her family photographed when her children were teenagers – so often those years slip by and they shouldn’t! Let’s celebrate our families, y’all!! Families are everything and I feel so lucky to be entrusted with memories like these for such wonderful people! It’s so much fun!

Here’s Charla’s wonderful family on a sunny May day at Crystal Bridges! They’re the best!

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