May 1, 2014

Henry | My Little Stinkpot of an 18 Month Old

My baby turned 18 months old last month!

Henry is a stinker and, really, I am the only person who calls him Henry- everyone else calls him Huck. And that nickname? He totally lives up to it. Henry is the kind of baby who sees something across the room and, five seconds later, has it in his hands. Earlier this week, my husband Andrew dropped a jelly bean and, before it hit the ground, Huck was already eating it. Henry likes to climb on things and be totally crazy and he LOVES the song Love is an Open Door from the movie Frozen and sings the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle theme song every morning when he gets ready. He is snuggly, loud, excitable, and really does not care about animal noises and body parts- instead, he is super interested in Ninja Turtles and super heroes. This little man of mine is the cutest little bear on the planet, calls his Daddy “Da-deeeeee” or “Mama!” and, every time he gives hugs, the recipient wishes that they could live in that hug forever- he’s like a Grade A Master Snuggler, First Class.

Love this guy!!

Northwest Arkansas Photographer in Fayetteville

Northwest Arkansas Photographer in FayettevilleNorthwest Arkansas Photographer in Fayetteville

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Lissa Chandler is a creative portrait and wedding photographer in Northwest Arkansas who specializes in senior portrait and wedding photography. Lissa is known for emotion-driven imagery and currently lives in Fayetteville with her family: a husband who says “He’s so cute!!” at least three times every time he comes home from work, a three-year-old who calls his brother a “little big boy”, and a one year old who is twenty-five pounds of awesome. Lissa is available for travel nationwide. *


Happy birthday Huck! I always love your photos and posts. Thanks for sharing.